Welcome to the Lufthansa Developer Network!
- Start registration here!
Our API is split in two parts. Here you may register for the open data plan. If you want to have access to the fare plan please follow these instructions.
Retrieve your token
Our API uses OAuth2 to authorize requests. Before making requests to the API, verify your credentials with our token end-point. This will return a bearer token to use on your API calls.
Test a call here!
With our API Playground you are able to create your first calls, check the responses and build the reference URIs for your own clients!
NDC Partner Program
Lufthansa Group airlines offer their partners a value proposition that includes the four components "NDC Smart Offer", "NDC Bonus", "Servicing" and "Technology".
Contact, Stackoverflow
If you have any feedback or are missing some data, do find an explanation unclear, please let us know!
You will find all the public and partner calls documented here.